Our Family

We are the Dunavants.

We received Whale Rock Farm, circa 1880 in July 2020! Twelve days before our fourth child was born, to be exact. 

We’ve lived in Richmond for 7 years, in the suburbs of Henrico county until last year. Now we are south of the James River on a patch of land that was owned by the Morris family for almost 80 years. The woman from whom we purchased moved here when she was two. Her daddy farmed here, then eventually sold off most of the land to a developer, to become a subdivision. The fact that these five acres were preserved for agricultural use is what we call a Good Thing: a special gift from Abba that reflects His completeness, mercy and beauty.

Our pursuit of integrity, through the only One who offers it, is the root of all we undertake. Our hearts desire to be rendered to His glory and pleasure, so the integral yoke of Life, including livestock stewardship, soil cultivation, raising children, marriage and community are all one thing, and He is our teacher. We don’t wish to disintegrate our life into climate-controlled boxes, and whatever your reason for interest in sharing our life, we welcome and receive you as part of the Good Thing that the Lord is blessing us with!

Drew is an arborist, with 12 years or so experience climbing. His gifts are rendered daily at TrueTimber Arborists, through whom the Lord has generously provided our family with an integral source of community, alongside the gift of this beautiful vocation.

Karyn delights in all of the fascinating things the Word teaches through food! Preparing nourishment and perceiving the depth of meaning in this provision to humans from the Lord, are her passion and gift. She “unschools” or integrally disciples (not wishing to reduce the learning capacity of childhood to a system sourced among men) four children. She is intrigued by birth and captivated by the richness of faith and fullness of contentment that can be inherited through integrity of attention to motherhood!

Arden—fair haired beauty of ten, artist, writer, poet, daydreamer, gallivanting, tree-climbing feminine farm girl.

Thayer—twinkly-eyed mischief maker, lover of all things fast, loud or hilarious. Pretty much always up to something. Strong and capable yet often hesitant to “dance”.

Laurel—spunky, articulate, generous little soul, often seen wearing two white-blond French braids, so we can see her sparkling blue eyes! Loves pretending to be a mama, and is quite good at it. Keeps us company with amusing and plentiful chatter.

Cormac—first Whale Rock-born babe. The smiliest of all my babies. Daring climber, but walking is yet entirely too risky. Gets delightfully giddy about food, especially fruit. Screams at the meal table! 

Photo credit: Nicki Metcalf 
